Walt and I referred to a video cassette of the original footage to check continuity and lighting. 我和沃尔特参照着一盘原始电影胶片录像带来检查镜头的剪辑和灯光。
The interaction between actors and the system demonstrated in the original "Check In Guest" description can now be used as part of a kiosk application ( self-check-in), thus automating the business. 在初始的“顾客登记”描述中所显示的用户同系统之间的交互作用,现在作为应用软件的一部分(自己完成登记),因此实现了办公的自动化。
The simplest workaround for this scenario is to cancel the original checkout, and then check the document out again as a new reservation. 规避这一问题的最简单的方法是取消原先的签出,然后重新将文档作为新的reservation签出。
In the check in dialog box, in the comment text box, type original branch changes and click Check in. 在“签入”对话框中的注释文本框内,键入“原始分支更改”,然后单击“签入”。
Could I have the original owner's phone number, so I can check sin tost he car's history? 我可不可以要原车主的电话,好查一下这辆车的记录?
You can choose which level to change the password, before the amendment to enter the original password, check the correct password to enter the new; 你可以选择要修改哪级密码,修改前要输入原密码,核对正确后才能输入新密码;
The Vendor shall not be required to produce the original receipts in respect of such outgoings and the Purchaser is advised to check the details of payment of the outgoings by his own means. 卖主毋须被要求出示该类开支之收条正本,买主应当自行查核已缴款之各项细节。
Then, use few known point of original data to approximate the large number of check point in GPS network. 再用较少已测点的原始数据,逼近GPS水准网中较多检核点的高程异常值。
Second, the author study emphatically quality control of EDM method producing, original date error process, model accurate evaluate and quality check. According to Anshan DLG feature the author analyze and judge true and false error and clear up true error. 本文着重研究了数字高程模型生成方法的质量控制,主要研究了原始数据误差处理,模型精度评定与质量检查,通过对鞍山市DLG的数据特点进行分析进而判断真假误差并对真误差进行剔除。
The original GM ( 1,1) model is improved by three ways, namely improving parameter θ, rectifying original condition and processing equal dimensions and new information. In addition, the real forward price is used to check the result of the improved GM ( 1,1) model. 从改进θ参数、修正初始条件、等维新息处理等三个方面对原始GM(1,1)模型进行了改进,并利用真实期货价格检验改进GM(1,1)模型的拟合效果。
This article is around the adapted works of Su Tong and Mo Yan, from different styles, different narrative ways and different reflections, analyze and compare the adapted film and the original novel to check the gains and lost of the adapted works. 本文以苏童、莫言的改编作品为中心,从不同的体裁、不同的叙事、不同的表现形式三个角度,把改编后的电影与小说进行对比分析与比较,以考察改编的得与失。
According to the conditions of the original protocol, two new protocols were proposed: one measures the shared GHZ states directly and the other adds a check process to resist the entanglement/ interception attack strategy. 根据原协议的条件,提出了2个新协议:1直接测量共享的GHZ态;2通过在原协议中加入检测过程以抵抗纠缠/截取攻击策略。
We realized DEM automatic generation based on original discrete points and regular control network points and formed a scheme to real time check and correction. 实现了基于原始离散点和规则格网点数据的DEM自动生成,并提供了实时检查修改的方案。
Clinic symptoms were disappeared in 12 months in all patients. There were 7 cases that original infarction focus were existed but density were lower, 6 cases were shrank, and 4 cases were disappeared in CT counter check. 所有临床症状均在12个月后消失,CT复查7例原梗死灶仍存在,但密度较低,其中6例原梗死灶缩小,4例梗死灶消失。
The technology calculation sub-system includes part analysis and original parameter input module, technological parameter calculation module and structure dimension calculation and intensity check module. 工艺计算子系统包括零件分析与原始参数输入、工艺参数计算、结构尺寸计算与强度校核三个模块;
Compare the data with corresponding parameters of original sample to check conformance of rebuilding and original impellers to judge whether converse engineering succeeds or not. 将这些值与原样本叶轮的相应参数相比较,从而验证重建叶轮与原样本叶轮的一致性,判断该逆向工程是否成功。